Wednesday 28 March 2012


Why is it...
That in my studies I seem to find the non-examinable stuff very interesting...
And then spend a significant part of my time looking more into it...
When it's not examinable...hahahahaha.

Took a look at the New Testament past exams today..
They're hard..
   very hard... >.<
Only comforting thing is that a few questions seem to keep coming up every exam...
  So I'll try to prepare for those...and then hope for the best.

Need to find a job.  That email I sent away like 2 weeks ago.... never got a reply.  
Actually I got a reply straight away.  That lady forwarded it to another lady the next day.  But since then nothing.  I tried sending a follow up email to the second lady...but still nothing >.<

Good thing is that lately haven't been going out much spending as much as before....
But... I do miss working.....

Wednesday 21 March 2012


Hm... Fasting.....

Now that's a cool concept.....

Why haven't I thought about doing it before???  Probably cuz the Bible doesn't explain much about Fasting.  It mentions fasting lots of times...but there's never like any instruction on what it is or how to do it...

Anyway... lately I've been thinking about the concept of fasting..... then today I was browsing my library at Ridley cuz I was bored of studying.... and Lo-and-behold... I see a book on fasting ^_^.  SCORE!

Started reading a bit...but so far it just talks about practical aspects.  Motives....Who shouldn't fast....What type of fast etc.  I dunno....nothing I didn't know before.  But at least it's allowing me to think more about it.  
None of that wimpy fasting-other-things-cuz-i-don't-want-to-fast-food like internet/fb etc.... :p

Very interesting topic indeed!!

Sunday 18 March 2012


Why does leadership seems so lonely and isolating sometimes....?

I know you're doing it for God.....but does that mean it should be isolating?

Looking at my group,
    Those under my care....
 I can see that they're getting closer to each other,
    Just like I planned and wanted...
And yet......
    I can see that I'm outside that circle...
       And I can see the distance extending further and further..
Why is it...
   That often, the times that I feel the most isolated...
      And that I'm the most alienated and not really fitting in....
    Is when I'm around other Christians?
  Does it have to do with leadership?
       Or is it really just because of me in general.

Maybe it really is just me....
     How my personality is.....

Monday 12 March 2012

I should sleep..

It's almost 3am....

I should really go to!

Had a great evening/night tonight...celebrating Jon's birthday with his Cross-culture cell group!  Good catch up and good conversations.

Okay...bed time :)

Sunday 11 March 2012

Birthday Celebrations!

Today has been a great day!! (Well technically _yesterday_ as it's almost 2am now haha..

Had a BBQ to celebrate my birthday (even tho it's actually on Wednesday, not today).  Had the people closest to me come to celebrate with me.  This was mainly people from the 3 churches (my church Reservoir, Vicwest, and West Footscray), but also Bao and Zeinab came by and helped out as well!  Overall probably about 35ish people??  Thanks so much to my parents for preparing and arranging everything, and for cooking during the whole time!!

We mainly just chilled and played frisbee and throwing the vortex.  Initially I felt that a few groups just went off somewhere and sat by themselves... but after I made that comment to them (and encouraged them to join the rest), they did!  Meat wasn't cooked fast enough... cuz the BBQ stopped working, or stopped being very hot.... but in the end I think it was good.

Went back to my house afterwards to chill, and most actually did!  Even Peter, who said he was gonna go home cuz he was too tired, came by and spent most of the night at my house (yay!).  Mainly just ate the cake, played cranium, angel and assassins, and taboo!  Bit crowded with so many people, but I think because of that everyone could chill with ppl.  Hopefully no one felt left out >.<.

Was very surprised that so many people bought me presents or chipped in to get me presents!  While I'm not a big gifts person, I do feel very loved that ppl took the effort and the money to get me these things.  Also the cards have been awesome!!  I just feel bad cuz I'm not a great gifts person... and so when I open the gifts I can't be super excited and happy (!!!) etc....  So sometimes I give off the vibe that I don't like my presents... but that's not true at all!!!!

A lot of clothes...which is good cuz I never go shopping.  Guess that's my shopping for the next year :D

Anyway, tomorrow tennis in the morning!!  Then church (have to practice our Easter Play), and then at night join in for Jon's surprise dinner!! (hopefully he doesn't read this....I don't think he follows my blog hahahaha).  Fun fun...cuz the next day is Labour Holiday!!!!!!!! yay!!!  I think I'll be spending it studying hahahaha >.<

Friday 9 March 2012

Updating life

This week as been such a bludge week.  I think I was so stressed about holding information in my head for the Greek exam, that from last monday after the exam I just can't be bothered anymore haha.  So this week has seen me do the least amount of work so far.  I was supposed to meet up with a friend to study today; but when she canceled out on me I just ended up lying around at home haha.

Just got back from playing pool in the city with John, Kris, and Van.  Then the Vicwest people joined us near the end before I left.  Played pretty well today.  Dunno what happened last week, when I choked majorly in the competition >.<

About the Greek exam, I actually thought it was a bit too easy.  Like I felt like I had way over-prepared for it haha.  There was barely anything from the last week (and I felt that the last week was the most confusing too, as there were so many variations and possibilities).  In the end the exam was all pretty basic.  Also there was no request to translate from English to Greek (which has been tested basically in every single test up to now).  And going from English to Greek is way harder than going from Greek to English!  I guess that the point is to read the Greek we never really go from English to Greek.  However if you can do that, it shows that you've really consolidated your knowledge.  So I finished the exam in like 35 mins (for the 70 min exam), and spent the rest going over my stuff.

Greek has been very very awesome.  While it seems to have a reputation of being hard, I've been finding it much easier than the other subjects.  This is very strange as I really really suck at languages.  I've done lots of languages through out high school...and sucked at all of them...and remember none now.

I've felt this clear calling to do Bible College.  And this clear calling, aside from my passion and thirst and wanting to be used by God more and more, is the events in my life.  Optometry is a great profession to do something else as: 1. you can get a job for 1-2 days a week easily. 2. you can actually earn quite a bit of money even just working 1-2 days (which indicates to me that I really SHOULD go find a job soon haha...I'm so lazy...).  

In my stage of life there is nothing hindering me.  No mortgage, still living at home, have money saved, and (unfortunately?) no attachment to the other gender (elegant way of saying I have no gf :p).  So easy to give up my full-time job and start this.  And I've been very at peace with it.  Haven't worried about where money will come from (though maybe I should start...cuz I think I've still been spending money as much as when I was working full-time >.<), and God's blessed me with my brother and my church supporting me (amazing cuz I did not ask for it).

On Wednesday night this was further confirmed to me, with my Greek lecturer Andrew congratulating me for me exam result.  Now I don't want to seem like I'm bragging.... but I believe that it's God's grace, and I feel so so blessed by God that I need to share this.  And this result further grounds me in my belief that I'm currently where God wants me to be.  Anyway Andrew said that I lost 1/2 a mark, out of 70!  Which is absolutely amazing (tho the high-achievingness in me is wondering where on earth I could have lost 1/2 a mark lol).  Overall I think this puts my subject mark for Greek A at 99%!! 

Now I need to stress that I suck at languages!  And I know fully that this is all God's grace.  Marks actually wasn't my intent.  I would LOVE to be able to read the bible in greek.  Hopefully I'm well on my way :)

Anyway I'm pretty sure that I won't do anywhere as good with the rest of the subjects, as they require essay writings etc.... and I suck at writing essays.  Plus these Arts essays seem to be different to my uni writing (different even when I compared to how I was supposed to write essays back in year 12!).  I figured that I'll just write this first essay how I think I should write, and then change it based upon the feedback.

So that means no more bludging next week!!!!