Monday 6 May 2013

Missing Photography...and the Essays never ends!!

Title says it all....

Still in my Essaying period.  On my last and final essay (5th one), which is due Wednesday week.  Then I get about 2 weeks before 3 exams :'(

Don't get me wrong: I love all the reading.  In fact, I'm often finding myself reading tangent issues not directly related to my essay!

It's the writing which kills me.....

I've received my 2 photos books of my Memories of last year.  It made me realised how often I was out and shooting photos last year....had sooooo many photos.  This year, I've taken barely anything.  So sad..... And I was thinking of getting the Sigma 35mm 1.4 lens too...

It will be over soon...but I'm getting distracted so easily nowadays...cuz I want to be distracted lol!

Sunday 7 April 2013

Up at 3am... Broken sleep cuz to sick and stress....

Hm.. Life is pretty stressful....

I really need to finish off this 1 Corinthians essay.... I have to start on my Theology one, which is due in 1.5 weeks!!  I seem to have an essay due in every 1.5 weeks from here on out.... (So far 1 down, 4 more to go!) and once I've handed in my last essay, exams will be 2 weeks after that lol!

So basically I have my schedule packed out until after the first week of June!  I don't even think I can maintain my weekly readings!

I love doing the essay readings.... but somehow I really struggle to actually write it up.  I end up with so many thoughts floating through my head, that I don't even know where to start!

It doesn't help that I'm sick now too!

This essay has been pretty amazing though.  I'm writing on how Doctrine relate to Ethics in 1 Corinthians, and in doing this I've covered basically all the aspects of 1 Corinthians lol!  I love doing essay questions which give you a larger overall picture of everything.

I'm gonna try to start preaching at my church on 1 Corinthians.  Just going through block by block every month (we have one English Youth/Young Adults Service a month)...

On another note... God has been pretty amazing.  Other than the stress of the workload, life has been good!  Relationship with Katrina (gf) has been good!  Work (once a fortnight) has been good!  Money has been good!  Yeah..everything is going pretty well.  I do get a bit stressed when I think about the future...but I need to stop thinking so much!

Church hasn't been so great...but that's just cuz of my expectations, which has led to a lot of disappointment.  The actual practical play out of Church has been fine.  But I feel like I make a really bad leader.... cuz of my lack of people-skills.  I have the heart, definitely, but trying to get things to how I want them......well to be honest it's just not really even on its way >.<

But as what I read yesterday from Calvin in his Institutes, and which I posted on FB:

"To the pious and placid his advice is, mercifully to correct what they can, and to bear patiently with what they cannot correct, in love lamenting and mourning until God either reform or correct, or at the harvest root up the tares, and scatter the chaf."  Book 4 Chapter 1 - John Calvin: Institutes (of the Christian Religion).

And according to what I've been reading in 1 Corinthians:  I'm just a steward.  Someone planted, all I'm doing is watering....but it is God who makes things grow! 1 Corinthians 3:6-9.

Though the concept of "reward" is a funny thing.  It's something I've been thinking about for a long time.  If God elected and predestined us, and everything we have and do come from God himself (He even predestines us to do the good work that we do), then why would there be a reward?  What do I have that I did not receive?  And if I receive it, how can I boast in it?  1 Corinthians 4:7.

Paul gives a dual view:  sometimes he talks about running to claim the prize that God calls him (Phil 3:14), having run the good race (2 Tim 4:7), getting a reward for building (1 Cor 3:8, 14)....
While other times he talks about how his work and preaching is laid on him and he has to do it (1 Cor 9:17), so to get reward, he has to go beyond that and do it without cost to the people he's ministering too.  Then there's Jesus' words in Luke 17:7-10, whereby we should just say that we've merely done our duty, and do not deserve any recognition.

The Bible is full of seemingly paradoxes.  I wanna write a book on them!  Will/choice vs Election/predestination.  Trinity. Jesus' work on the Cross.  Eschatology ("already" vs "not yet")... the list goes on and on.  And heresy are those who tend to lean too much on one or the other.  Instead we need to always uphold and balance out the truths that the Scripture presents.  Not trying to harmonize them and come up with an answer which ticks both boxes (which would be nice, but never works - for we usually end up compromising BOTH views).  Instead upholding BOTH sides as full truths.  How can they both full truths?  Only God knows.

Saturday 2 March 2013

Work overload...

Okay, so the study year has resumed.  After a nice long break, I am back at it.  

And this year seems like it's going to be a huge/long/massively more stressful than last year!

Workload during the last week...which seems like it's going to be Normative:

-Reformations - read 40-50 pages of Luther's work (it took me about 3 hours to read like 30 pages...cuz it's so hard to understand >.<)

-Theology - read some dude's article attacking the theology of some other dude (took me about 2 hours) and then make a 500 word summary.
                 - read the theology text book (still haven't finished the required reading).
-Psalms - Read 20-30 pages of Interpreting the Psalms.
-1 Corinthians in Greek - Translate passages (requiring me to read commentaries and linguistic exegetical stuff)
                                      - Read Brian's commentary (barely read it so far..)
                                      - Read extra tutorial stuff.
                                      - Try to revise my Greek, which I've forgotten so much of.
                                      - Practice just naturally reading Greek (instead of trying to parse every word).

On top of all of this is my 5 essays that'll be due from week 4 to week 8(or 9).

So here I am... in the Library on a Saturday... trying to start early on my Psalms essay.  Cuz I know that as soon as essays are almost due in, all the weekly reading/work will become negligible.  Which is really bad cuz I actually want to keep reading and keep learning...even if it's not assessed.

I find reading soooo hard.  I'm very good with reading Fiction books lol!  But not technical and non-fiction books.  I read and chunk and go "what on earth did I just read?"... then I have to re-read it.  Doesn't help that all the technical words/languages confuse me...

Sigh...wouldn't it be so much better if I came from an Arts/Law which they're very experienced at reading chunks and chunks of stuff....

I'm so glad I didn't continue with Hebrew B (I did an intensive course of the language Hebrew A in the 3 weeks leading up to the start of the Semester).... I would have totally died.

So there goes all my social life.... But I guess I never had much of it anyway!!

If you're reading this... pray for me!!
